Knitting is a craft that requires much patience and dedication. It is such an easy activity that everyone can do it! This can be considered as a therapeutic practice for many people as there are many benefits associated with knitting. Check out our other blog post to learn more about knitting and its benefits by clicking here! Every Original Knitting kit comes with everything you need from start to finish. That's one hooked polyester grid canvas with film covering, backside embossed fabric, crochet needle, threads and yarn in different colors. Simply follow the steps and create your own piece of art! Now in this blog post we will be discussing the top 5 knitting kits that you all need to try out and help make your time more enjoyable!
Marilyn Monroe Rug Knitting Kit
Let us start with our number one bestseller which is the Marilyn Monroe Rug Knitting Kit. This knitting kit will allow you to create a beautiful rug that will make a great addition to your home decor! The Marilyn Monroe Rug Knitting Kit features an amazing blend of environmentally friendly materials and a gorgeous singer all in one! The colourful portrait will have you enjoying every minute of this kit and will make a great conversation piece! You don't even need to be a professional knitter to make master pieces like these!
Burger Knitting Kit
The second best seller that our customers love is the Burger Knitting Kit. This knitting kit helps you to create a delicious looking burger in the form of a pillowcase. Place this in your child’s bedroom or showcase it somewhere near the kitchen. This piece of art will look fantastic anywhere you choose to place it! You'll spend hours through this exciting process and when finished you'll have a grand masterpiece.
Lion Cub Knitting Kit
The next knitting kit that we believe will have you kickstarting your love for this craft is the Lion Cub Knitting Kit. This knitting kit features a fantastic design that will have you creating the cutest little lion cub which will make an amazing addition to your home decor! This knitting kit will have you sitting there enjoying every minute of the knitting experience! Such a simple task yet the final product will have you immensely proud of your ability to create art like that!
Starfish Knitting Kit
Another knitting kit that we suggest you invest in, is the Starfish Knitting Kit. This knitting kit showcases a gorgeous starfish laying on the beach, presented in gorgeous and vibrant colours! Now you can recreate this design on your own by simply following the instructions provided and have your very own piece of knitting art! Between your everyday work and home stress try this knitting for half an hour every day and keep stress at bay. But be careful, or you might find yourself addicted to the hottest new trend in craft.
Dinosaur and Bird Knitting Kit
The last knitting kit that we have to recommend is the Dinosaur and Bird Knitting Kit! This knitting kit will make an amazing present to give to your little cousins, siblings and friends! The knitting kit features a green dinosaur with a yellow bird on its back in front of a large and majestic tree in knitting art. By using this knitting kit, you will be able to create gorgeous pieces of knitted artwork which will make you feel proud of yourself and feel even great when you choose to gift the masterpiece to a loved one, leaving them astounded at your creative abilities!
Destress and relax by trying out our knitting kits today! Head over to our website and place an order now! Click here to check out the entire collection!